What Is New Orleans? Come Find Out.
How Do You Define a City?
Anybody who is within driving, walking, or biking distance of Loyola University in New Orleans on Wednesday night should think positively about coming to the discussion titled “What Is New Orleans” to hear the thoughts of panelists Richard Campanella (author of Time ...
Obama Welcomed, and Challenged, in New Orleans
Maybe he wished he’d planned to stay longer, though there may have been a point when he began to wish he hadn’t come at all. President Obama’s visit was criticized days in advance even by supporters for being too short. The advance team added a ...
Obama Visits New Orleans (Too Briefly)
President Obama visits New Orleans for about four hours today. He will visit the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School in the Lower Ninth Ward from about noon till 1:00 p.m., and then will hold a town hall meeting at UNO from 1:15 to 2:00. ...
Pajama Party
“Those bloggers need to take off their pajamas, get dressed and realize that governing a closely divided country is complicated and difficult.” —Anonymous Obama adviser to NBC White House correspondent John Harwood
Wait—we have to get dressed? Drag! Our best pieces are done in our PJ’s! We ...
The Nobel Peace Prize 2009
Warm congratulations to President Barack Obama for being selected to receive the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” It is a proud and happy occasion for the President and for the United States of ...
Are “Conservatives” Conservative?
Are They Even American?
“. . . although they believe themselves to be conservatives and usually employ the rhetoric of conservatism, [pseudo-conservatives] show signs of a serious and restless dissatisfaction with American life, traditions, and institutions. . . . Their political reactions express rather a profound ...
Rep. Grayson, Tough Kid from Bronx, Rips GOP
We like to look on the bright side when it’s at all realistic to do so, and so in a week that saw the very disappointing performance (despicable, really) of several Democratic members of the Senate Finance Committee—including Chairman Max ...
A Word About Our Focus on Health Care Reform
Levee-lovin’, tree-huggin’ as ever
As our regular readers will have noticed, we’ve lately been focusing most of our energies on helping the campaign for health care reform. This is part of our mission: since Katrina we’ve been pushing Congress and the White House for more generous funding for ...
Scenes from a Health Reform Phone Bank
The setting: The living room of a volunteer’s apartment in Manhattan.
The action: A night of phoning voters, mostly Obama supporters, in Florida, Indiana, and Virginia. Many wrong or disconnected numbers, or no one home (so we leave messages).
“Hello, my name is —. I’m a grassroots ...
“No Way” Rockefeller Will Support Baucus Plan
Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) announced this afternoon that “there is no way” he could support the health care reform plan drafted by Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and his “(Bipartisan) Gang of Six” to be presented tomorrow, Weds. Sept. 16. Senator Rockefeller said in a ...
Robert Reich on the Public Option
And How to Make It Happen
“Unless you make a helluva racket” the status quo is going to win this thing.
Former labor secretary Robert Reich explains the basic idea of the public option and urges everyone to pitch in to make it happen—Yes We Can—because we’re now in the ...
Viva Burlesque!
Will you pardon us while we take a break from being all-serious all the time?
This weekend, Sept. 11-13, The City That Care Forgot hosts the first annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival, which we hope will be the first of many to come. Featuring Foxy Flambeaux, Praline Dupree, and, yes, ...