Call the White House and Congress Today
Remember, the White House and Congress have to be hit over the head repeatedly with frying pans before they’ll act on any issue not of immediate concern to their reelection.
Listed below are phone and fax numbers of the White House and leading Senate committees with authority over funding for storm and flood protection, emergency relief, and public works. Complete federal government and national media contact info can be found at
Remember: “An Involved, Active America Is a Stronger America!”
Operators are standing by.
Fax lines are open 24/7
White House email:
White House phone: 202-456-1111 | fax : 202-456-2461
Click here for all U.S. Senators
• Wikipedia directory of all U.S. Senators
Click here for all U.S. Representatives
• Wikipedia directory of 111th Congress (Senate + House)
Louisiana Senator Mary L. Landrieu
Louisiana Senator David Vitter
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal
Congressman Charlie Melancon (La. 3rd District)
Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao (La. 2nd District)
Quick Tips
- Faxed letters get quickest attention because Capitol security screening can delay a letter 1 to 2 even 3 weeks. Phone calls are also good for direct contact. (Why not do both?)
- The Astonishing Power of Snail Mail: Experienced activists advise that a posted letter makes a stronger impression – because of the effort involved – than a phone call or email. A rule of thumb is that for every letter, there are probably 10 more people out there who feel the same way
Flood and Storm Washington
Six Easy Ways to Press for action:
(1) Write letters and call Congress and the White House to demand that they spend liberally to build stronger levees and help the homeless families rebuild their lives and small businesses along the Gulf Coast.
(2) Call the White House at 202-456-1414 to urge the President to restore serious funding for hurricane protection. Tell the President much more is needed for levee strengthening. The $3.1 billion allocated to the Army Corps of Engineers is about 1/10 of what is needed for Category 5-strength protection. Demand that the White House commit to nothing less than full-strength, Category 5 storm protection, reinforced canal seawalls, closure of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (“MR-GO”), canal pumps at Lake Pontchartrain (not halfway into the city of New Orleans), and coastal restoration in southern Louisiana. (See “Louisiana’s Environmental Crisis” at our “Environment” page.)
(3) Call Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (202-224-3542) or e-mail him at and demand a hearing and a vote on Senator Mary Landrieu’s Gulf Coast Protection Act (read about it here).
(4) Call Senators Jeff Bingaman (202-224-5521) and Lisa Murkowski (202-224-6665) of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and urge that they support Louisiana’s getting an equal share of oil and gas revenue royalties as other states receive. Louisiana supplies 30% of the nation’s oil and gas but gets nothing in revenue royalties. Inland states such as Wyoming keep 50% of the revenues generated by oil and gas drilling on their federal lands. Mary Landrieu’s Gulf Coast Protection Act would provide equal benefits for oil-producing states along the Gulf Coast. Since the late 1940s, oil and gas companies have paid royalties to the federal government but nothing to Louisiana. President Truman once offered control of the first three miles offshore and a percentage beyond that. Plaquemines Parish boss Leander Perez demanded 100% of royalties or nothing. Sixty years later, Louisiana is still paying the price for his arrogance.
(5) Call the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to urge a careful diversion of the Mississippi and other investment to restore the Louisiana coastline. Barbara Boxer, Chair (202-224-3553) James M. Inhofe, Ranking Member (202-224-4721)
(6) Press the news media for more investigative pieces on the White House’s dithering, FEMA’s inaction, and the Army Corps of Engineers’ ‘band-aid’-style levee repairs. And call to thank NBC’s Brian Williams for his persistent, dedicated reporting on conditions in New Orleans (“lest we forget”).
The President Wants to Hear from You!
White House Comments: 202-456-1111
White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
“Dear Mr. President”
Barack Obama
The President, The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Janet Napolitano, Secretary
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Operator: 202-282-8000
Comment Line: 202-282-8495
W. Craig Fugate, Administrator
500 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472
Office of the Federal Coordinator of Gulf Coast Rebuilding
c/o Department of Homeland Security
Mail Stop #1250
245 Murray Lane
Washington, D.C. 20528-1250
Phone: 202-325-0190
Fax: 202-325-0060
Congressional Committees
Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader (D-NV) (202) 224-3542 / FAX 224-7327
Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader (R-KY) (202) 224-2541 / FAX 224-2499
House of Representatives
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House (D-CA) (202) 225-4965 / FAX 225-8259
Steny H. Hoyer, Majority Leader (D-MD) (202) 225-4131 / FAX 225-4300
John A. Boehner, Minority Leader (R-OH) (202) 225-6205 / FAX 225-0704
James E. Clyburn, Majority Whip (D-SC) (202) 225-3315 / FAX 225-2313
Roy Blunt, Minority Whip (R-MO) (202) 225-6536 / FAX 225-5604
Use these phone and fax numbers to reach the Senate committees on finance, emergency relief, storm and flood protection, public works, etc.
- Appropriations
- Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs
- Energy & Natural Resources
- Environment & Public Works
- Finance
- Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
Senate Appropriations Committee
Daniel K. Inouye (HI), Chairman (202) 224-3934 / FAX 224-6747
Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Rep. Ranking Member (202) 224-5054 / FAX 224-9450
Robert C. Byrd (WV) (202) 224-3954 / FAX 228-0002
Byron L. Dorgan (ND) (202) 224-2551 / FAX 224-1193
Richard Durbin (IL) (202) 224-2152 / FAX 228-0400
Dianne Feinstein (CA) (202) 224-3841 / FAX 228-3954
Tom Harkin (IA) (202) 224-3254 / FAX 224-9369
Daniel Inouye (HI) (202) 224-3934 / FAX 224-6747
Tim Johnson (SD) (202) 224-5842 / FAX 228-5765
Herbert H. Kohl (WI) (202) 224-5653 / FAX 224-9787
Mary L. Landrieu (Louisiana) (202) 224-5824 / FAX 224-9735
Frank Lautenberg (NJ) (202) 224-3224 / FAX 228-4054
Patrick J. Leahy (VT) (202) 224-4242 / FAX 224-3479
Barbara A. Mikulski (MD) (202) 224-4654 / FAX 224-8858
Patty Murray (WA) (202) 224-2621 / FAX 224-0238
Ben Nelson (NE) (202) 224-6551 / FAX 228-0012
Jack Reed (RI) (202) 224-4642 / FAX 224-4680
Wayne Allard (CO) (202) 224-5941 / FAX 224-6471
Lamar Alexander (TN) (202) 224-4944 / FAX 228-3398
Robert Bennett (UT) (202) 224-5444 / FAX 228-1168
Christopher S. Bond (MO) (202) 224-5721 / FAX 224-8149
Sam Brownback (KS) (202) 224-6521 / FAX 228-1265
Thad Cochran (Mississippi) (202) 224-5054 / FAX 224-9450
Larry Craig (ID) (202) 224-2752 / FAX 228-1067
Pete V. Domenici (NM) (202) 224-6621 / FAX 228-3261
Judd Gregg (NH) (202) 224-3324 / FAX 224-4952
Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) (202) 224-5922 / FAX 224-0776
Mitch McConnell (KY) (202) 224-2541 / FAX 224-2499
Richard C. Shelby (AL) (202) 224-5744 / FAX 224-3416
Arlen Specter (PA) (202) 224-4254 / FAX 228-1229
Ted Stevens (AK) (202) 224-3004 / FAX 224-2354
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Christopher J. Dodd, Chairman (202) 224-2823 / FAX 224-1083
Richard C. Shelby, Ranking Member (AL) (202) 224-5744 / FAX 224-3416
Daniel K. Akaka (HI) (202) 224-6361 / FAX 224-2126
Evan Bayh (IN) (202) 224-5623 / FAX 228-1377
Sherrod Brown (OH) (202) 224-2315 / FAX 228-6321
Thomas Carper (DE) (202) 224-2441 / FAX 228-2190
Robert P. Casey (PA) (202) 224-6324 / FAX 228-0604
Christopher J. Dodd (CT) (202) 224-2823 / FAX 224-1083
Tim Johnson (SD) (202) 224-5842 / FAX 228-5765
Robert Menendez (NJ) (202) 224-4744 / FAX 228-2197
Jack Reed (RI) (202) 224-4642 / FAX 224-4680
Charles E. Schumer (NY) 202-224-6542 / FAX 228-3027
Jon Tester (MT) (202) 224-2644 / FAX 224-8594
Wayne Allard (CO) (202) 224-5941 / FAX 224-6471
Robert F. Bennett (UT) (202) 224-5444 / FAX 228-1168
Jim Bunning (KY) (202) 224-4343 / FAX 228-1373
Michael Crapo (ID) (202) 224-6142 / FAX 228-1375
Elizabeth Dole (NC) (202) 224-6342 / FAX 224-1100
Michael B. Enzi (WY) (202) 224-3424 / FAX 228-0359
Chuck Hagel (NE) (202) 224-4224 / FAX 224-5213
Mel Martinez (FL) (202) 224-3041 / FAX 228-5171
Richard C. Shelby (AL) (202) 224-5744 / FAX 224-3416
John E. Sununu (NH) (202) 224-2841 / FAX 228-4131
Energy and Natural Resources
Jeff Bingaman, Chairman (202) 224-5521 / FAX 224-1792
Lisa Murkowski, Ranking Member (202) 224-6665 / FAX 224-5301
Daniel K. Akaka (HI) (202) 224-6361 / FAX 224-2126
Jeff Bingaman (NM) (202) 224-5521 / FAX 224-1792
Maria Cantwell (WA) 202-224-3441 / FAX 228-0514
Byron L. Dorgan (ND) (202) 224-2551 / FAX 224-1193
Tim Johnson (SD) (202) 224-5842 / FAX 228-5765
Mary L. Landrieu (Louisiana) (202) 224-5824 / FAX 224-9735
Blanche Lincoln (AR) (202) 224-4843 / FAX 228-1371
Robert Menendez (NJ) (202) 224-4744 / FAX 228-2197
Ken Salazar (CO) (202) 224-5852 / FAX 228-5036
Bernard Sanders (I-VT) 202-224-5141 / FAX 228-0776
Jon Tester (MT) (202) 224-2644 / FAX 224-8594
Ron Wyden (OR) (202) 224-5244 / FAX 202-228-2717
Richard Burr (NC) (202) 224-3154 / FAX 228-2981
Bob Corker (TN) 202-224-3344 / FAX 228-0566
Larry Craig (ID) (202) 224-2752 / FAX 228-1067
Jim DeMint (SC) (202) 224-6121 / FAX 228-5143
Pete V. Domenici (NM) (202) 224-6621 / FAX 228-3261
Mel Martinez (FL) (202) 224-3041 / FAX 228-5171
Lisa Murkowski (AK) (202) 224-6665 / FAX 224-5301
Jeff Sessions (AL) (202) 224-4124 / FAX 224-3149
Gordon Smith (OR) 202.224.3753 / FAX 228-3997
Craig Thomas (WY) (202) 224-6441 / FAX 224-1724
Environmental and Public Works
Barbara Boxer, Chair (202) 224-3553 / FAX (202) 224-0454
James M. Inhofe, Ranking Member (202) 224-4721 / FAX 228-0380
Max Baucus (MT) (202) 224-2651 / FAX 224-9412
Barbara Boxer (CA) (202) 224-3553 / FAX (202) 224-0454
Thomas Carper (DE) (202) 224-2441 / FAX 228-2190
Amy Klobuchar (MN) (202) 224-3244 / FAX 228-2186
Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ) (202) 224-3224 / FAX 228-4054
Joseph I. Lieberman (CT) (202) 224-4041 / FAX 224-9750
Bernard Sanders (I-VT) 202-224-5141 / FAX 228-0776
Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) (202) 224-2921 / FAX 228-6362
Lamar Alexander (TN) (202) 224-4944 / FAX 228-3398
Christopher S. Bond (MO) (202) 224-5721 / FAX 224-8149
Larry Craig (ID) (202) 224-2752 / FAX 228-1067
James M. Inhofe (OK) (202) 224-4721 / FAX 228-0380
Johnny Isakson (GA) (202) 224-3643 / FAX 228-0724
David Vitter (Louisiana) (202) 224-4623 / FAX 228-5061
George Voinovich (OH) (202) 224-3353 / FAX 228-1382
John W. Warner (VA) (202) 224-2023 / FAX 224-6295
Max Baucus, Chair (MT) (202) 224-2651 / FAX 224-9412
Charles E. Grassley, Ranking Member (202) 224-3744 / FAX 224-6020
Max Baucus (MT) (202) 224-2651 / FAX 224-9412
Jeff Bingaman (NM) (202) 224-5521 / FAX 224-1792
Maria Cantwell (WA) 202-224-3441 / FAX 228-0514
Kent Conrad (ND) (202) 224-2043 / FAX 224-7776
John F. Kerry (MA) (202) 224-2742 / FAX 224-8525
Blanche Lincoln (AR) (202) 224-4843 / FAX 228-1371
John D. (“Jay”) Rockefeller (WV) (202) 224-6472 / FAX 224-7665
Ken Salazar (CO) (202) 224-5852 / FAX 228-5036
Charles E. Schumer (NY) 202-224-6542 / FAX 228-3027
Debbie A. Stabenow (MI) (202) 224-4822 / FAX 228-0325
Ron Wyden (OR) (202) 224-5244 / FAX 202-228-2717
Charles E. Grassley (IA) (202) 224-3744 / FAX 224-6020
Jim Bunning (KY) (202) 224-4343 / FAX 228-1373
Michael Crapo (ID) (202) 224-6142 / FAX 228-1375
Orrin Hatch (UT) (202) 224-5251 / FAX 224-6331
Jon Kyl (AZ) (202) 224-4521 / FAX 224-2207
Trent Lott (Mississippi) (202) 224-6253 / FAX 224-2262
Pat Roberts (KS) (202) 224-4774 / FAX 224-3514
Gordon Smith (OR) (202) 224-3753 / FAX 228-3997
Olympia Snowe (ME) (202) 224-5344 / FAX 224-1946
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Joseph I. Lieberman, Chair (202) 224-4041 / FAX 224-9750
Susan M. Collins, Ranking Member (202) 224-2523 / FAX 224-2693
Daniel K. Akaka (HI) (202) 224-6361 / FAX 224-2126
Thomas Carper (DE) (202) 224-2441 / FAX 228-2190
Mary L. Landrieu (Louisiana) (202) 224-5824 / FAX 224-9735
Claire C. McCaskill (MO) (202) 224-6154 / FAX 228-6326
Mark Pryor (AR) (202) 224-2353 / FAX 228-0908
Jon Tester (MT) (202) 224-2644 / FAX 224-8594
Tom Coburn (OK) (202) 224-5754 / FAX 224-6008
Susan M. Collins (ME) (202) 224-2523 / FAX 224-2693
John Ensign (NV) (202) 224-6244 / FAX 228-2193
Lindsey Graham (SC) (202) 224-5972 / FAX 224-3808
John McCain (AZ) (202) 224-2235 / FAX 228-2862
George Voinovich (OH) (202) 224-3353 / FAX 228-1382
Louisiana’s Senators
Mary L. Landrieu
(202) 224-224-5824 / FAX 202-224-9735
David Vitter
(202) 224-4623 / FAX 202-228-5061