“Those bloggers need to take off their pajamas, get dressed and realize that governing a closely divided country is complicated and difficult.” —Anonymous Obama adviser to NBC White House correspondent John Harwood
Wait—we have to get dressed? Drag! Our best pieces are done in our PJ’s! We just sit here in our flannels, drinking coffee and scratching our unshaven cheeks and making wisecracks about the hard-working grown-ups who have real jobs. (Maybe we’re still in our pajamas because—why bother dressing?—we can’t find a job?)
Hey, you know what’s difficult? Understanding how the Obama administration has let Wall Street get away with murder. You know what else is difficult? Going on a third, fourth, and fifth tour of duty to Afghanistan when your marriage is falling apart and the bank is foreclosing on your house. You know what else is difficult? Understanding how an anonymous source in the White House thinks it’s smart to whisper to John Harwood that the progressives who supported Obama when most of the “dressed” people backed Hillary need to get serious. That’s a real Sister Souljah moment—especially coming from an anonymous source. That’ll put us in our place.
The best retort is from Firedoglake:
That is just classic. After pandering to LGBT leaders last night the truth comes out. Dear gays: grow up and let us get about the serious business of governance. Signed, some dude who’s too afraid to give his real name.
Who talks like this? Rahm Emanuel? David Axelrod? We’re going to find out who this “adviser” is, and then we’ll have a real pajama party. And that adviser may need a public option one of these days.