On Thursday, April 2, in Lausanne, Switzerland, the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced that negotiators had reached an agreement on key elements of...
Middle East
Congress, Now Is the Time to Vote “Hell No”
Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time Not out of indifference to the plight of the Syrian people, and not from an automatic rejection of any and all military action, but rather out of grave concern about the uncontrollable consequences that a U.S. missile strike upon Syria could trigger—such as, quite possibly, a war between Iran […]
Here We Go Again
Once again, politicians demanding austerity for the American public are leading us—and other people’s children—into war “Just providing arms is not enough.” —John McCain * This should be the mother of all cakewalks. The Obama administration has announced that the U.S. will begin arming certain groups of Syrian rebels because the Bashar al-Assad regime has […]