Once again, politicians demanding austerity for the American public are leading us—and other people’s children—into war “Just providing arms is not enough.” —John McCain * This should be the mother of all cakewalks. The Obama administration has announced that the U.S. will begin arming certain groups of Syrian rebels because the Bashar al-Assad regime has […]
Bill Clinton
The Big Hug
Clinton Wows Dems, Urges 2nd Term for Obama * In Tampa, the Republican argument against the president’s reelection . . . went something like this: “We left him a total mess. He hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in.” Listen to me now. No...
Obama Sends Wall Streeters to “Reform School”
[ Ed. note: The following account of President Obama’s remarks on Wall Street reform yesterday are not, strictly speaking, part of Levees Not War’s usual portfolio (we do have many interests!), but then again it’s not every day that we get to personally attend a...