Coastal Conservation Corps:
A New CCC for Coastal Restoration—and Jobs
Levees Not War is pleased to direct your attention to LaCoastPost, where you can read a guest post titled “Why Not Institute a ‘Green’ Corps for the Coast?”, or, “Reinventing the CCC and WPA.” In collaboration with LaCoastPost editor Len Bahr, a coastal science and policy adviser to five ...
“The Brown Pelican Is Back”
An Environmental Protection Success Story
The brown pelican, a species that was driven nearly to extinction by use of the pesticide D.D.T., has grown back in strong enough numbers that the admirable bird has been removed from the endangered species list. The decision was announced ...
Homeless on Veterans’ Day
We reprint the following editorial from today’s New York Times as a reminder that a grateful nation owes its veterans more than ceremonies and nice words. Also, we salute the admirable commitment of General Eric Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to improving this nation’s care and ...
Harm’s Way, or, A Surge of His Own?
The ceremony at Fort Hood yesterday was beautiful, and heart-breaking. The pain was all too real, and the president’s speech was sincere, somber, respectful, and probably healing.
But . . . could the ceremony have been designed in part as a warm-up, a stirring of our patriotism before ...
“Whose Side Is Senator Landrieu On?”
Public-Funded Health Care Has Been Good Enough for Landrieu
Karen Gadbois of Squandered Heritage, besides being a celebrated citizen-blogger + whistle-blower about the New Orleans Affordable Housing scandal—voted New ...
Dems, Heed Creigh Deeds
(or, How to Make Voters Stay Home)
Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Loses by 18 Points
“I’m not afraid of going against my fellow Democrats when they’re wrong. . . . A public option isn’t required in my view.” —Creigh Deeds, quoted in Firedoglake
We hope the White House political strategists are taking note, and ...
Read the Senators’ Mail—About Health Care Reform
We fax and mail a lot of letters to members of Congress—often demanding robust flood protection and coastal restoration for Louisiana, and in recent months pressing for health care reform with a strong public option. Sometimes they write back.
Below are excerpts from several recent letters ...
Public-Supported Health Care Has Worked for You, Joe Lieberman
“. . . individual senators being able to hold up legislation, which in a sense is an extension of the filibuster . . . it’s just unfair.” —Joseph Lieberman, 1994
Following is a letter we’ve faxed and mailed to the WDC office of Senator Joseph I. Lieberman. (We tried faxing to his ...
Levees Not War Meets LaCoastPost
We regretted missing the annual Katrina bloggerfest and live social networking known as Rising Tide 4 in New Orleans this past August—an omission we hope not to repeat. By way of making up for some of that fellow blogger community spirit, last week we took a long drive across the famous ...
Thanks, Harry! Now Let’s Push Harder
Damn liberals are never satisfied . . .
Encouraged but not satisfied by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s announcement yesterday of the inclusion of an opt-out version of a public option in the Senate health reform bill that he will bring to a vote, we sent the following letter to say ...
Majority Leader Reid Says Public Option Is In
Just announced this afternoon. Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announces the merging of bills from the Senate Finance Committee and the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee will include an “opt-out” version of the public ...
What Is New Orleans?
Resilient, a Moveable Feast, and Growing, Slowly
Loyola panel discussion well attended, thought-provoking, encouraging
The moderator and panelists presented some very thoughtful and deeply felt responses to the question “What Is New Orleans” at Loyola’s Nunemaker Auditorium Wednesday night. In his introduction, the moderator, New Orleans ...