NOLA, Gulf Coast

The ebook Is Here!

The long-awaited “ebook of the dead tree edition” “A work of provocative and exhilarating populism . . . The pieces . . . recall Molly Ivins’s puckish cynicism.” —Publishers Weekly Dear Readers: I am delighted to announce that What Fresh Hell? is now available for...

Rising Tide: Still Standing, Unfatigued, and Enduring

Back now from New Orleans for the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and Rising Tide X—refreshed and still feeling that positive, creative energy and will to survive and rebuild that we felt at our first Rising Tide (the second annual) in 2007. We shall see...

Rising Tide X Is Aug. 29, Tenth Anniversary of Katrina

DeRay Mckesson, Social Justice Activist, Is Keynote Speaker We are registered and all kinds of psyched for the 10th annual Rising Tide conference—“the premier annual new media conference in the GulfSouth”—to be held on Sat., Aug. 29, at Xavier University in New...

Come to Rising Tide 9 in New Orleans on Sept. 13

The Tide Rises Again | Everyone’s Invited The ninth annual Rising Tide conference on the future of New Orleans will be held on Saturday, Sept. 13, at Xavier University in New Orleans. The keynote speaker will be educator and activist Dr. Andre Perry, formerly of New...

Louisiana Anthology Interviews Levees Not War

Usually when Levees Not War is involved in an interview, we do the interrogating. But now, we’re happy to report, the tables have been turned: Levees Not War is the subject of an in-depth interview with the editors of the Louisiana Anthology, Bruce R. Magee and...

Happy Mardi Gras, Y’all

* We wish everyone, wherever you be, a happy Mardi Gras. Where we are this morning—not at the Zulu or Rex parades, sorry to say, but in New York where it’s 17 degrees—it’s too cold to quite grasp that today is Mardi Gras, but this is indeed the day. The cold rain in...

Elvin R. Heiberg III, General Who Took Blame for Hurricane Katrina Failures, Dies at 81

Former Head of Army Corps of Engineers Regretted Not Fighting for Storm-Surge Gates As Tropical Storm Karen approaches the Gulf Coast, and FEMA employees, furloughed by the latest GOP Government Shutdown, are called back to work without pay, The New York Times reports the death of Lt. Gen. Elvin R. Heiberg III, “who rose to the top […]

Ready for Burlesque Fest, New Orleans?

Time for the 5th Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival, Sept. 19–21 Of course New Orleans is ready for another burlesque festival. A good warm-up for Halloween, perhaps. Or just a good warm-up for its own sake. If you’re ready—or might be ready, as we totally are—for Coco Lectric, Dinah Might, Honey Touche and the Touchettes, Cora Vette […]

Live-Blogging from Rising Tide 8 in New Orleans

Live-streaming of Rising Tide conference here. * Keynote Address: Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré on leadership and environmental justice New Orleans Advocate publisher John Georges introduces Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré, augmented by video footage from CNN. Standing ovation for Honoré. Honoré thanks audience for being an active community sharing respect for environment, the place where we […]



